Monday 7 October 2013

The beginnings and ends of Entrepreneurship – Part 2

Entrepreneurship cannot be written about in books and given defined qualities. This is because the risk taker can take any shape or form within capitalism. Due to the endless opportunities offered by technology in the 21st century, it is too difficult to define what most entrepreneurs stand for.

With the help of the internet, any rational human being could conduct personal research on an exploitable aspect of the market, analyse how to make that aspect more efficient and finally offer that service to the market for a fee. The problem is not with the process however, the problem is with the mentality of our western culture and how we define one another. The downfall of capitalism, especially today's greatly swollen form, is the consumer mindset.

The paradigm that causes most people to not develop products and ideas into sustainable businesses but to consume the products from other businesses due to the simplicity of the whole ordeal. These consumer drivers and innovation destroyers are what our society has planted within its populace. Seeing as you only reap what you sow, entrepreneurship does not seem like it has a long lasting future into the 22nd Century. Their will be HSBC, Wells Fargo, Exxon Mobil, JP Morgan and the rest of the destructive giants and their subsidiaries humanity let roam around.

Other then these established companies , there is no room for large scale entrepreneurship. There is only room for small time, smash and grab ideas that make the most out of a situation and get out of the industry quickly.

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